Question four

What rights do agents have to determine who rents residential properties?

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Appropriate answer.

If it is important to agents that tenants keep premises in good condition, be respectful to others and pay their rent on time, making decisions based on these and other objective criteria would make more sense than eliminating applicants based on irrelevant characteristics, like their age or colour of skin.

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Equal opportunity laws set standards for how such choices are made.

In the area of accommodation, equal opportunity laws require that agents make sound business choices about who rents their premises - agents are free to make good business decisions regarding residential tenancies, but are not free to break the law.

Equal opportunity laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of the race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, intersex status, pregnancy, marital status, age or impairment/disability, of a tenant or prospective tenant.

Unlawful discrimination often occurs when assumptions are made about prospective tenants based on stereotypical views about the groups they belong to.

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That's true. However it does not make sense to determine who will misbehave or do the wrong thing based on a person's age or colour of skin.