
The views and experiences of children and young people living with disability have been captured in a new report by the Commissioner for Children and Young People.

The From Checkbox to Commitment Report follows a 12-month project in which the Commissioner met with children and young people aged 9-22 with a range of physical, intellectual and psychosocial disabilities.

The report is a summary of what they told the Commissioner.

Key points include that children and young people living with disability:

  • face many of the same issues and struggles other young people do and need support services
  • want to be heard on issues and decisions on issues that are not necessarily linked to their youth or disability
  • want to be respected as experts in their own lives
  • experience exclusion from community or school activities due to behaviours or circumstances that are part of their disability
  • want opportunities to build friendships and participate alongside peers, and greater  understanding of disability
  • want more support in planning and preparing for post school life.

In 2018 in South Australia, 25,900 children aged 0-14 were reported to be living with disability.

Disability discrimination continues to be the leading cause of complaint to the Office of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity.

Read the report.