
To raise awareness of the benefits of diversity and inclusion, Jodeen Carney, Equal Opportunity Commissioner, will be taking part in a panel event for the accounting sector.

‘The Elephant in the Interview – Disability, Recruitment and Inclusion’ event on 15 October 2021 will focus on recruitment and inclusion for people living with a disability.

Panel members include:

  • Jodeen Carney, Equal Opportunity Commissioner
  • Daniella Biagi, BDO,
  • Lynelle Williams, PwC
  • Damian Papps, Royal Society for the Blind

Participants will have the opportunity to hear why diversity and inclusion in the workplace is increasingly, a strategic priority for business.

The event will launch a resource toolkit developed for the sector, forming part of the Road to Employment project, where Purple Orange is working with the accounting industry to help remove the barriers to employment for people living with a disability.

The event is organised by CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and Purple Orange.

Register and find out more.

To better understand anti-discrimination laws in South Australia, refer to our Disability and Employment Practices guidelines.